Sverres home Introduksjon SW development projects: Programmeringsprosjekt (Flere oppgaver) Elevator automatic FAT for TTK4145 Procedural Generation: Game Worlds Procedural Generation: Music Programvare design av simulator Dynamic deployment system for real-time tasks Measurement-based real-time system Bibliotek for meldingssending Teoretical projects: Implementing Lingua-Franca programs on real-time operating systems Models of Computation Salvaging XC features Schedulability proof for message passing systems Dynamic deployment system for real-time tasks Bruk av online eksekveringstidsestimater Real-time systems not based on timing requirements Programering av tunge tråder ved nonpreemptive scheduling. Deling av CPU og Nettverk Morsomme sensorer og applikasjoner: Døvehørsel Blindesyn Bike trainer app Eksterne oppgaver: |
Salvaging XC featuresThe XC language is (was) a very intereting proposal for a programming language, though it was very strongly connected to the specific XMOS/XCORE CPUs. They have stopped maintaining it, but the language is still worth a study. Specificly it had some language features ("combinable"/"distributable"++) that barely restricted the languages expressive power, but still enabled the compiler to do wonderful things. We could aim to explore whether these can be utilized and/or modified into something useful, also outside of the XC context? If this sounds at all enticing, let us discuss. Ref: |